想いを紡ぐ Historical Well-being
店舗の写真 築150年ほどの歴史を誇る古民家が「堆肥のような建築」をコンセプトに再生した。ここは、ゆるやかに流れる時の中、邸宅の記憶とともに風土に溶け込み熟成される特別な空間。土地の記憶を感じながら、心地よく過ごせる場所である。現在、里山との共生を図る飲食施設・宿泊施設として準備を進めている。2021年グッドデザイン賞を受賞。 築150年ほどの歴史を誇る古民家が「堆肥のような建築」をコンセプトに再生した。ここは、ゆるやかに流れる時の中、邸宅の記憶とともに風土に溶け込み熟成される特別な空間。土地の記憶を感じながら、心地よく過ごせる場所である。現在、里山との共生を図る飲食施設・宿泊施設として準備を進めている。2021年グッドデザイン賞を受賞。
English Image weave feelings weave feelings A historic farmhouse with a history spanning approximately 150 years has been revitalized with the concept of architecture resembling compost.Here, within the gently flowing passage of time, it becomes a special space that seamlessly integrates with the local climate, maturing alongside the memories of the estate. A place where one can comfortably spend time, feeling the memories of the land.
        Currently, preparations are underway to establish it as a dining and lodging facility that promotes coexistence with the Satoyama (a Japanese term referring to the border zone or area between mountain foothills and arable flat land). The project was honored with the Good Design Award in 2021. A historic farmhouse with a history spanning approximately 150 years has been revitalized with the concept of architecture resembling compost.Here, within the gently flowing passage of time, it becomes a special space that seamlessly integrates with the local climate, maturing alongside the memories of the estate. A place where one can comfortably spend time, feeling the memories of the land.
        Currently, preparations are underway to establish it as a dining and lodging facility that promotes coexistence with the Satoyama (a Japanese term referring to the border zone or area between mountain foothills and arable flat land). The project was honored with the Good Design Award in 2021.
sec6 糸を結び、繋げる 自然の恵みを身体に取り入れ、自然と一体となる丁寧な暮らしの在り方を考える。
sec6 Tying and weaving Incorporating the Blessings of Nature into the Body,Becoming One with Nature,Contemplating a Thoughtful Way of Living.